Dear Friends,
On the morning of 15th June 1994, I stepped foot at Sime Sembawang Engineering Sdn Bhd, one of the major oil and gas fabricator at that time.
Today, after 17 years, I am leaving the organization, having fulfilled the trust and `amanah’ that was placed on my shoulders. I could not have done so without the support , dedication, commitment and sacrifices from everyone, directly or indirectly. I would be lying if I am to tell you that I am not sad, but at the same time, I have always known that it will never be permanent. As such, it makes it easier.
All I can say is Thank You from the bottom of my heart. No words, no deeds can express the gratitude and I owe it to all of you.
It has been an enriching and fulfilling journey for me. From Sime Sembawang-Sime Sembcorp and then Sime Darby Engineering. Throughout that time,there would have been occasions when I may have hurt any one of you unintentionally, I offer you my apologies and humbly seek your forgiveness.
I have received many emails and text messages. I thank you for the kind words and well wishes and I shall cherish them for the rest of my life.
It has been a humbling feeling and a priviledge to serve SDE. I could not have done it without all of you on my side. You have been my family and I hope that you will continue to accept me as family.
As we retreat into the sunset, I wish all of you all the very best for the future.
Salam Ramadhan, Salam Lebaran dan mohon maaf atas segala kesilapan dan harap halalkan makan dan minum.
Nor Aslinda A.Majid
Facebook : Linda Majid
Blog :
19 August 2011
Sori la x sempat nak round suma tempat and meet all the friends and amik gambar..apa2 pun...
gambar uolls tetap ada dalam hati aku...huhuhu
Dgn Zana and Ida - Material Warehouse
Dgn K Zu - HR
Dgn Mai - Admin
Dgn Shikin aka Iron Lady (kwn gaduh, kwn mengadu, kwn segalanya..)
Dgn Lia (future leader in the making)
Dgn Wani (bertuah sapa dapat budak ni jadik bini..hehe)
Nostalgia jaket kuning...with my name..
Bilik da nak tutup..tandanya..da nak balik..
Gonna miss this room !! Gonna miss u all !!
Walah!! dapat hadiah dari Shikin and the gang..
Paperbag cantik, kotak cantik, dalam sure canteekkkk..
Wahh..kain sutera La Moda dan tudung yg sedondon..
tenkiu tenkiu Shikin and the gang..
Thank You SDE..Good Bye SDE...