Friday, 24 February 2012

PB dan FIR

Lihat gambar ni ..senang nak paham kan??

pm me to own one of yours today..012 770 9706

Monday, 20 February 2012

Anugerah SM/SSM 2012, 18 Feb 2012

Hatiku berbunga2...the minute dapat surat dari Hai O, surat tahniah dan ambik anugerah di Menara PGRM, KL..cant wait for the event day..

Was raining...hujan rahmat hari tuh...

Anyway, it was definitely an afternoon to be remembered and am really glad that I didn't trip over or anything like that on stage. lol! One of my greatest fear! :D.

Almost everyone from the team was there, sayang sungguh last minute, Iena tak dapat datang..almaklum ..morning sickness pulak aweks ni..keja kitaorg mengupdate gambo..and dia la peminat setia yg sentiasa memberi komen..Thanks Iena!!!

Enjoy the pics darling! ;D

The Stage...uwaaaaaaaaaa

From a different angle

Gadis dan Bunga....aahhahaaa...gadis la sangat eh..The bouquet that I am in love with.

Me and my petite leader..bakal DDM Sabariah in PINK!!!

This is Nadia Alias, one of the girls in our team! She's soooo semangat and sooo pretty! Love u Nad!

Me and bakal CDM Fazi..i'm trully impressed with her passion, drive, enthusiastic, commitment..
you're really a fighter!!!

Great leaders..i follow u!!

Pinky Ladies

US.. not everyone though. Happily smiling away.

Our great mentor/sifu..CDM Hanis Haizi..She was waiting for us at the stair as we stepped down from the stage..Leader yg sgt komited ..

Dengan sideline..Norain Nizar..a pregnant mommy yg sangat2 bersemangat kental!!

And....Me and my no 1 fan! Thanks sooo much for the wonderful support and care and love. hehe. like seriously THANK YOU! Love u much!!

i was like in awe, when i saw the ball room was so packed with beautiful ladies in their killing dresses..ramai nya biz woman PB nih..phewewwwwwwwww

.....and readers out there, if you are interested to be part of our fun and motivated team, call me ... come let's join our team ... The more the merrier! ;D

Need my contact details? Here you go....012 770 9706

Friday, 10 February 2012


Hi uollsssss...

8 Januari 2012..julung kalinya kelas diadakan di kwsn selatan bagi Premium Beautiful Johor. Ramai juga yg hadir..Alamdulillah..Terimakasih pada bakal CDM Fazi , bakal DDM Zurai dan Bahyah sbb berusaha keras untuk menjadikan training ni satu kenyataan..

Peluang utk berkongsi memang terbuka utk semua..Terserah pada kita utk memanfaatkannya..Terbukti Leader sentiasa berada di sisi utk membantu dan beri panduan..Jalan da ada..hanya ikut saja..

Class is ready..very cosy and everything is free..Up to us to grab this..


Bakal CDM Fazi..walaupun sarat ..masih tetap bersemangat..honestly memang aku kagum dgn dia!! what an inspiration...

Group photo bakal DDM Bahyah..ramai lagi yg tak dapat class lagi 2 weeks..semua datang yeaaaaa..

Premium Beautiful Johor da mencecah 100 orang..and it's growing and growing..
Come be part of our group !!!

Who wants to make their dream come true..come and i'll show you the way..Bak kata Fazi..biznes ni sangat mudah!!

My no 012 770 9706