Wednesday, 19 September 2012

BB Plus Kolagen

KOLAGEN yang seimbang dan lengkap bersama kofaktor untuk kulit muda berseri

Penuaan merosakkan kolagen dan seterusnya merosakkan kulit

Kolagen membentuk 70% daripada lapisan dermis kulit. Ia adalah bahan utama dalam kulit, tulang, rawan dan pelbagai tisu penghubung di dalam badan kita.

Kolagen membantu pertumbuhan semula kulit baru serta mengekalkan kelembutan kulit. Di dalam sendi rawan, ia berfungsi sebagai kusyen untuk mengurangkan bebanan terhadap sistem struktur badan terutamanya pada pinggul, sendi dan lutut.

Faktor penuaan luaran dan dalaman boleh merosakkan fiber protein, fibroblas dan vitamin yang diperlukan untuk merangsang penghasilan kolagen.Kekurangan kolagen adalah antara foktor penyebab terjadinya proses penuaan kulit.

BBplus  mengandungi peptida kolagen yang tinggi untuk menggantikan dan membina semula rantaian kolagen yang diperlukan untuk menjadikan kulit anjal, lembab, tegang dan gebu menawan

7 hasil kulit cantik

1-Kulit wajah berseri dan cerah

2-Kulit lebih anjal dan tagging

3-Kulit lebih halus dan gebu

4-Kulit lebih lembap

5-Kulit lebih licin serta kurang garis halus dan kedutan

6-Kulit lebih cepat sembuh dan pulih

7-Kulit kurang kesan kerosakkan akibat sinar matahari

Bagaimana BB Plus bertindak?

Menggalakkan pembersihan mikro, menggantikan peptida kolagen bagi rantaian kolagen yang telah rosak ataupun lemah

Menguatkan dan melindungi rantaian kolagen dengan antioksida

Menggalakkan pertumbuhan dan penghasilan sel kolagen baru

Menfaat BB Plus

  • Dos yang efektif - 1 packet sehari
  • Kandungan peptida kolagen yang kaya dan tersedia
  • Selamat-bebas drbahan beracun
  • Perlindungan antioksida tambahan-melindungi kulit muka dan badan dari UV dan radikal bebas
  • Anti alahan dan anti radang
  • Vitamin C dan rosella menguatkan rantaian kolagen
  • Meningkatkan kualiti kulit-galakkan pencerahan
  • Mencegah keradangan 
  • Rasa enak-Campuran blackcurrant, jus rosella serta kolagen ikan yang tidak berbau
  • Tanpa gula dan kolestrol-sesuai untuk mereka yang mempunyai masalah jantung dan diabetic


Wednesday, 5 September 2012

How to Make a Million and Preserve It

Six years ago, Azlan Deraman, 36, and Siti Rohana Yusoff, 35, were average wage earners – he was an engineer in a private automobile company while she was a teacher in a secondary school in Batang Kali, Selangor.In 2003, she started looking ways to supplement her income. “I wanted to upgrade my lifestyle and have savings for emergencies, I also started thinking about my children’s education.”
So, Siti Rohana joined Hai-O as a part-time agent. When she saw that prospects were good, she took unpaid leave to focus on her new business. After six months, she resigned as a teacher and went full-time.“My husband and I were already using Hai-O products, so we felt confident about them. Moreover, when we did some   research of our own, we saw that there were many people who were interested in the products as well.”Encouraged by his wife’s success and the handsome returns she was getting Azlan decided to join his wife a few months later.“We put 100% into the business. We used whatever we were marketing so that we could provide      effective testimonials of their effectiveness. We shared the products with friends, who then introduced them to their other friends.”“We had to work a lot harder in the beginning to provide demonstrations and training. We spent a lot of time trying to train our partners until they were able to manage on their own. However, we preserved, telling ourselves that we had to work hard for two years before we could receive our ‘return on investment’”, adds Azlan.

They also faced rejection at the beginning but look it in their stride, believing that it was a normal part of the business.“Rejection was good as it taught us how to tackle future rejections. We could help our partners when they were faced with similar situations.”With business taking off, they began to set some goals, one of which was to achieve one million in profit.

“We targeted to maintain RM1 million in group sales consistently through a period of 10 months. Once, we would receive one million in savings ourselves,” says Siti Rohana.They were right on target: Two years later, they were millionaires.Today, they have 80 downlines, all of whom are millionaire leaders who have their own sets of downlines as well.“Not only can we now afford to send our four children for further studies overseas, we can afford to have four more children and send them overseas for studies as well, if we wanted to!” says Azlan.

Their motto and also advice to aspiring millionaires is to:

do the right things, and do them at once. Make it happen and do not waste time. 

Source : The Edge Personal Money, November 2009

Come let's be part of our me Linda @ 012 770 9706