Monday, 21 November 2011

Kaler feveret aku tahun depan!

Huhhh..apasal erkkk..lately ni mata aku nampak kaler biru sangat2 la stunning!!!!.. chanteekkkk mata memandang...

Let's check out the meaning of BLUE..ROYAL BLUE

Good fortune, communication, wisdom, protection, spiritual inspiration, calmness, reassurance, gentleness, fluidity, water, sea, creativity, peace, calming, higher thoughts, mystery, sky, formality, travel, devotion, progress, quiet wisdom, freedom. betterment of humanity, love, trust, loyalty, intelligence, reassurance, artistry, compassion, inner strength, devotion, depression, sadness, tranquility, stability, unity, truth, understanding, confidence, acceptance, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, comfort, cold, technology, devotion, harmony, depth, faith, heaven, piety, sincerity, precision, intellect, sadness, consciousness, speech, messages, ideas, sharing, cooperation, idealism, sincerity, empathy, relaxation, affection, inspiration, friendship, patience, contemplation, infinity, harmony, non-threatening, dependability...

Fuyyo..ada lagi !!!!

Some believe blue slows the metabolism and suppresses the appetite. As it does not require the eye to focus, images and objects recede in blue backgrounds. With overuse, can create feelings of cold. Although also popular with women, blue is the predominant favourite colour of males and is suited to web sites involving and promoting technology, medical products, cleanliness, air, sky, water, sea and automotives. Blue is the favourite colour of more than half of the world's people - it is the colour least disliked by most cultures.

This is the best part!

Royal Blue : richness, superiority, cold Dark blue : depth, expertise, stability, credibility (especially with gold), intellect, wisdom, corporate colour, warmth, knowledge, power, integrity, seriousness, knowledge, health, decisiveness, law, order, logic, dependability, serenity

Combining dark and lighter shades of blue creates a conservative and sophisticated look.

Hah..terjawab sudah ..kenapa aku suka kaler ni kan??????

Head band ni bukan aku yg pakai la ye...Anak aku la yg pakai nanti!!
Tapik chanteeeekkkkk kannnn...phewwwwww..ada kelassss...

so apa dia the moral of the story ??

MAKNANYA...Next weekend kena pegi Jakel Tampoi beli kain kaler biru ..kaler utk tahun depan punya baju raya!!! hehehhehee.. jom soppinggggg!! Dgn Biz Premium Beautiful Corset...anytime sopping okeh..x payah tunggu gaji hujung bulan ..Tapik ingat you all..membazir tu amalan beli apa yg patut dan perlu saja yea!!

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